Donate to The Sunflower Project!
We use your donations to source and deliver relief aid directly into Ukraine as well as to support our mine and UXO disposal activities. Your support will save lives in Ukraine. It is that simple.
We are a very small, grassroots NGO, and have remarkably low overhead. We operate very inexpensively, and have yet to pay anyone involved a salary. We put every dollar into moving the project forward and into serving the beleaguered, heroic people of Ukraine.
Money in the bank is gas in our tank.
Thank you so much!
Ways To Give
We are a 501c3 Tax Exempt Nonprofit Organization.
Donations recieved after March 8th, 2022 are fully tax deductible.
EIN 88-1046570
Send Us A Check
We do accept checks. Please make them out to “The Sunflower Project” and mail them to the following address:
The Sunflower Project
P.O. Box 17782
Phoenix, AZ 85011
Direct Deposit or Bank Transfer
If you like, you can transfer funds directly into our account from almost any bank or bank account in the world. The information your banker needs is below.
Bank of America Account
Beneficiary: The Sunflower Project
Branch Address:
Bank of America
222 Broadway
New York, NY 10038
We accept donations in the form of Bitcoin and Ethereum transfers.
BTC address: 1FLbrvvkdfCdRo9HSxgVZVmn9mkmihtAtp
ETH address: 0x122666b764771c62c767b2ac2ea29e2414797fd5
We are a 501c3 Tax Exempt Nonprofit Organization.
Donations received after March 8th, 2022 are fully tax deductible.
EIN 88-1046570